Why We Exist
We’re a church that helps people
Belong in God’s family, by
Believing in Jesus Christ, to
Become disciple-makers
all for God’s Glory
Whether you’re new to church, have been a Christian for many years, or are looking for a fresh start, you’re welcome here. Our hope is to give you a place where you experience a fresh, genuine connection to God and a community of people.
We keep our focus simple so we can have the biggest impact possible. Everything we do as a church is filtered through our focus on helping every person live the full life for which God created all of us.
“Belong in God’s Family”
We are a community that is connected to one another at a deep level. We genuinely strive to share our lives centered around Christ through godly love for one another. When we are that deeply committed to each other, we experience powerful and life-changing relationships enabling us to accomplish our purpose in life.
Belonging takes place in weekly small groups that meet in various locations at various times.
“Believe in Jesus Christ”
We are marked by faith in Christ, our Lord and Savior, who died for our sins on our behalf. Jesus Christ fundamentally changes our identities from sinners to children of the most high God. Our belief in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the core of who we are.
We gather together weekly on Sundays to worship, engage with a life-transforming message, prayer, and to connect with the church family.
Belief is also developed through the Membership Class, where you take next steps and learn about the Christian faith, the vision of the Vine Church and commit to membership. You also discover and develop your God-given passions and talents, and use them to make a difference in the lives of people.
“Become a Disciple-Maker”
This is the goal of Vine Church: TO BECOME DISCIPLE-MAKERS. Belonging together in a loving community is a beautiful thing but it is not the end in itself. Jesus, in his Great Commission, commanded us to make disciples of all peoples. Discipleship happens when we become more like Christ and are intentional in helping others become more like Christ. We are committed to the growth of others.
Small group leaders make the greatest impact in the lives of others by encouraging, sharing scripture, praying, and helping people take next steps of faith.
The Vine Church is led by co-lead pastors, Eliot Luongo and Kyung Kang. Their team-ministry and synergistic leadership have created a life-giving culture that focuses on leading people into an intimate relationship with God.